Results were released Wednesday from a new poll asking registered voters what their feelings were toward a variety of issues and people.
Included among these questions were about Capitalism and Socialism and which one Americans found more favorable.
The results played out the way that they should…Capitalism was HIGHLY favored compared to Socialism.
When asked what message Americans would send to the government, “Leave Me Alone” or “Lend Me A Hand”, 55% said “Leave Me Alone” while only 34% opted for “Lend Me A Hand”.
Similarly, when asked to give their opinion of Capitalism and Socialism, 57% found Capitalism as favorable, while only 25% found Socialism favorable.
Even among Democrats, 47% found Capitalism more favorable compared to 38% who said it was unfavorable.
According to Fox News,
“Despite the prominence of socialistic ideas and policy proposals in recent weeks, Americans are favorable toward the merits of the capitalistic system,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “And they’re bullish on the state of the economy.”
Here’s what’s telling about this poll. This poll was conducted with 1,004 randomly chosen registered voters. Most registered voters hold to the same values. What it seems like to me, and we all know it’s been happening everywhere, is that the number of illegal immigrants who are being allowed to vote in the public elections for the President of the United State is a very large number that sways many elections toward the left. This is the only reason why Democrats want to keep illegal immigrants flowing through the border and into the country; they want the votes and figure that, “if the good ol’ Democrats will let you in, you’ll vote for us.”
This just goes to show you that most Americans are on the same team. The mainstream media is trying to deceive you and shift your views to the side of the enemies of freedom. Don’t fall for it. We will prevail.
If you’d like to see the results from the rest of the poll, you’ll find it here.