Bodycam Video Caught LAPD Officer Committing Very Disturbing Act

A Los Angeles Police Department officer just busted himself with his own bodycam violating a woman’s body.

What makes this ten times worse is that this wasn’t just any woman – this was a dead woman.

It’s being reported that the officer is seen in his own bodycam footage fondled the dead woman’s breasts. This is absolutely disgusting.

According to LA Times,

The incident occurred when the officer and his partner responded to a call about a possible dead woman in a residential unit, sources said. Once the two officers determined the woman was dead, one officer returned to the patrol car to retrieve something. During that time, the accused officer turned off his body-worn camera and allegedly fondled the woman’s breasts, LAPD officials said.

Although the officer deactivated the camera, a two-minute buffer on the device captured the incident. The department is also investigating the officer’s work history.

“We immediately launched an administrative investigation once we learned about the incident,” chief spokesman Josh Rubenstein said, “and we assigned the officer to home.” He declined to comment further.

For those not away of how the bodycams work, once an officer activates his or her camera, the immediately begins saving video beginning with two minutes prior to the camera’s activation. The same applies when it is deactivated as well.

The 2019 Manual for the LAPD states:

“A police officer is the most conspicuous representative of government, and to the majority of the people, the officer is a symbol of stability and authority upon whom they can rely. An officer’s conduct is closely scrutinized, and when the officer’s actions are found to be excessive, unwarranted, or unjustified, they are criticized far more severely than comparable conduct of persons in other walks of life. Since the conduct of officers, on- or off-duty, may reflect directly upon the Department, officers must at all times conduct themselves in a manner which does not bring discredit to themselves, the Department, or the City.”

Photo Credit: Tomas Del Coro

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