Bill Maher Dropkicks Leftist Pro-HAMAS Narrative

Liberal immediately took the side of the aggressor in the recent Palestine – Israel conflict. Despite the fact that the Palestinians started this conflict by firing rockets into Israel. But once again Host Bill Maher called out his Liberal brethren for taking an ignorant stance.

Maher On Liberal’s claim that Israelites are occupiers:

“This is another thing I’ve heard the last couple of weeks. Words like ‘occupiers’ and ‘colonizers’ and ‘apartheid’, which I don’t think people understand the history there. The Jews have been in that area of the world, since about 1,200 BC, way before the first Muslim or Arab walked the earth, 1,000 years before. I mean, Jerusalem is their capital. Okay, so if it’s just about who got there first, it’s not even close. There has been a continuous Jewish presence. Yes. The Jews were the ones who were occupied by everybody. The Romans took over at some point, and then the Persians and the Byzantines and then the Ottomans. So yes, there was colonization going on there. Beginning in the 20th, 19th century, they started to return to Palestine, which was never an Arab country. There was never a country called ‘Palestine’ that was a distinct Arab country. And yes, there was a problem there because there were two people who wanted to share the land, which is why the UN in 1947 said, ‘Okay, we’re going to partition it.’ We have the map, I want to show people, forget what the map looks like. This is what was on the table at the beginning, the green is the part that the Arab population would have gotten. It’s a good part of the country. It’s the good part. A lot of it. Look what Israel has a little sliver by the coast and the desert in the south. That second map is what Israel has today. Yes, it is a lot more, but doesn’t it behoove the people who rejected the treaty, the half a loaf, and then continue [to] attack, Hamas’s charter says they just want to wipe out Israel, their negotiating position is you all die.”

Maher later bashed Liberals who backed Palestine:

And, you know, as far as Gaza goes, it’s amazing to me that the progressives think that they’re being progressive, by taking that side of it, the Bella Hadid’s of the world, these influencers. I just want to say, in February of this year, a Hamas court ruled that an unmarried woman cannot travel in Gaza without the permission of a male guardian. Really? That’s where the progressives are? Bella Hadid and her friends would run screaming to Tel Aviv if they had to live in Gaza for one day.”

Watch The Clip Below.

The problem here is that “you can only lead a horse to water…” No one can reason with the crazy left. Maher laid out his argument properly and explained just how wrong the Left is here, but I doubt they will listen.

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