It looks like this Cuomo Scandal is empowering victims to come forward, and that is bad news for the Biden Administration. You could tell Biden didn’t want to talk about impeaching Governor Cuomo, it just hit a little too close to home. But now it looks like alleged victim Tara Reade is speaking out claiming she still wants justice.
“My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of non-profits that were supposed to help women like Time’s Up,” Reade told Fox News. “May there be some measure of justice for the survivors. Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.”
“Time’s Up committed the most hideous betrayal to protect their most powerful friends and not only not protect survivors but cause harm,” Reade said.
“The revelations and Cuomo’s resignation is a signal to the powerful men with nasty behavior that survivors’ voices will be heard and their behavior no longer rewarded. Not from a governor and not from the president of the United States,” Reade said.
She added, “I hope for justice. Cuomo resigned today and Biden should also resign.”
“Back in January 2020, she had requested help from The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund as she prepared to go public with her accusations against creepy-Joe. Despite having a credible account, her request was denied, with the group saying their nonprofit status could be affected by backing her allegations because Biden was actively running for office.”
We just need to throw the whole Biden Administration out. It’s odd you’d think you can’t get worse than a president with dementia and then there is the idea that Kamala Harris would be next in line. But Tara Reade should get her justice, Biden has been assaulting women forever now, he makes Governor Cuomo look like a boy scout in comparison. So if Dems are going to pressure anyone out of office, they should start with the king of the gropers, Biden.
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