During a town-hall type of event held Tuesday at the University of Virginia, Beto O’Rourke was called out by a student.
O’Rourke recently released his tax returns and it was revealed that he only gives a small portion compared to her sister.
Her question was, “We were wondering why, as someone who earns 7 times the amount of income as she, a recent college graduate does, gives less in charitable donations than she does?”
O’Rourke’s reply was a typical politician’s answer,
“Thank you for the question,” O’Rourke replied as he stressed the importance of presidential candidates making their tax returns public to reveal any “real or perceived conflicts of interest so that we hold ourselves accountable as I am doing with you, right now.”
“I’ve served in public office since 2005. I do my best to contribute to the success of my community, of my state, and now, of my country. There are ways that I do this that are measurable and there are ways that I do this that are immeasurable. There are charities that we donate to that we’ve recorded and itemized, others that we have donated to that we have not.”
"We were wondering why, as someone who earns 7 times the amount of income as she, a recent college graduate does, gives less in charitable donations than she does?"
WATCH: Beto O'Rourke answers voter's question about his charitable donations https://t.co/XFmHD8Eozc pic.twitter.com/oXH5ifk63i
— The Hill (@thehill) April 17, 2019
According to USA Today,
O’Rourke and his wife, Amy Sanders O’Rourke, who filed jointly, released 10 years worth of returns on Monday. They did not release their 2018 returns but said they would as soon as they were filed. In 2017, they reported a total income of $370,412.
The return showed the couple gave $1,166 to a charity that year, or less than one-third of 1%. According to The Washington Post, that was by far the lowest amount revealed in any of the most recent tax returns that have been shared by the 2020 presidential candidates so far. Warren gave the most, donating $50,128 out of an income of 905,742, or 5.5%.
Less than 0.003% of his earnings went to charity. And we thought Bernie’s was bad at 3.4%!
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