ANTIFA Threatens Candace Owens With Horrible Acts [VIDEO]

In all honesty, ANTIFA seems like its just a group of punk kids who are too dumb to know how to think for themselves.

The ANTIFA Philadelphia Twitter account said that Owens is a “Hitler admiring, far-right, anti-immigrant fear monger”. The ONLY and I mean only way one can arrive at this conclusion is pure willful ignorance.

First of all, she does not admire Hitler and she EXPLICITLY denounces Hitler. Just this month she was questioned by Ted Lieu over a previous comment she made about Hitler. Her point was that there is nothing wrong with being a nationalist and that Hitler was not a nationalist, what he did was terrible.

Secondly, she’s not even far-right. She has denounced that idea as well and has even distanced herself from far-right organizations like InfoWars. She even had to correct Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey over labeling her as far right.

Dorsey’s apology read, “Hi Candace. I want to apologize for our labeling you “far right.” Team completed a full review of how this was published and why we corrected far too late (12 hrs after). There was a clear break in our curation process and understanding, and we’re fixing. Thanks for calling out.”

Thirdly, she’s not anti-immigrant. Most people aren’t, even conservatives. Conservatives just want them to come over the right way, legally, so we can make sure they’re not criminals, because many of them are. Also, it’s not far to barge into the country illegally through bypassing ports of entry when others who are attempting to do things the right way are waiting to enter as well.

To put it into perspective, consider going to a sports event or concert where tickets are required but everyone wants to just barge through without a ticket and go take their seats. That’s not right and it’s not fair to anyone.

Candace shared a video of her getting ready to speak at the event at UPENN on Facebook and said,

This is me heading into my speaking event at UPENN today. Antifa protesters threatened violence ahead of the event, but unfortunately— liberals cannot bully me. 
A peaceful group of black students were standing in the corner trying to make out what was going on. I stopped and tried to invite them into the event, at which point the neo-KKK began shouting obscenities through bullhorns at them. 

The second they think you are wandering off the plantation, you will meet the real face of the Democrat Party.
Never back down. #BLEXIT

Take a look at how people behaved when Candace was on campus.

Breitbart reports,

The Philadelphia Antifa group had harassed Charlie Kirk and Owens out of a breakfast establishment last August — an incident that Owens had noted during last week’s Congressional hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism.

“If [Democrats] actually were concerned about white nationalism, they would be holding hearings on Antifa, a far-left, violent, white gang, who determined one day in Philadelphia in August that I, a black woman, was not fit to sit in a restaurant,” said Owens.

“They chased me out, they yelled ‘race traitor’ to a group of black and Hispanic police officers who formed a line to protect me from their ongoing assaults,” added Owens, “They threw water at me, they threw eggs at me, and the leftist media remained silent on it.”

Twitter users discussed different items to throw at Owens during Monday’s event, seeming to no longer be interested in water or eggs.

“I’m not saying anyone should throw water or eggs at her for speaking but Walmart does sell Coyote Urine in a bottle and Balloons, some assembly required,” said one individual on Twitter.

“Candace Owens is coming to Penn next week,” tweeted another user, “3 likes and I will attempt to throw an overripe tomato at her.”

This is the attitude and temperament of the left. They preach tolerance, but they are intolerant themselves of differing opinions. Conservatives want freedom, liberals want slavery. Which do you want?

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