Alyssa Milano the #Metoo advocate has decided she is going to acknowledge Biden’s accuser Tara Reade. Milano has been an outspoken Biden supporter she even went as far as to call Reade’s accusation a smear campaign against the former V.P. But now she is changing her tune after Reade called her out for her hypocrisy.
Milano originally tweeted:
“Right. This is clearly a smear campaign. And Warren not endorsing Bernie when their policies line up -to me- means she was telling the truth about what he said.”
She also tweeted a clip about how after she endorsed Biden she suddenly felt men deserved due process. I guess Kavanaugh doesn’t count…
Reade caught wind of this and called out the supposed #metoo advocate.
“Milano “only knows Joe Biden, so she doesn’t know me and has never talked to me. So, how could she possibly talk about the case?” Reade asked. “She went on an interview… saying that Time’s Up rejected me and that’s not true, and she said she talked to Time’s Up.”
In response to Milano calling for “due process” for men accused of sexual assault, Reade said, “she really doesn’t know anything about what happened to me,” calling it “odd” that she would weigh in on an assault claim when she never attempted to seek information from the accuser.
“I don’t what her role is. She’s not really a professional helping women. She was basically talking about protecting powerful men the last time she made a statement,” Reade said. “It’s just the complete opposite of how she approached Brett Kavanaugh, so it’s kind of weird and strange and I think she’s just looking for ways to be relevant.”
I guess the negative press got to the victim’s advocate so she put a new tweet out acknowledging her.
“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara. #MeToo”
Kavanaugh much? Good for the goose….good for the gander? Like Islam? Ally of Harvey? Why not grow up? You’re not popular. People don’t remember how cute you were. Did Jeffrey get hold of you? Just stop it.
”I believe women, and I believe survivors of violence always deserve to be supported and to have their voices heard.” All Rape accusers must be believed, women like Crystal Magnum, Susan Shannon, ”Jackie” of the UVA, Columbia’s ‘Mattress Girl’, Emma Sulkowicz, Wanetta Gibson, Tawana Brawley, Gregory Counts and Van Dyke Perry’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick etc.. They would never lie, unless Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Anthony Weiner, Robert Müeller, Al Franken, etc. are accused.
I believe everyone should have the opportunity to present facts and evidence.
Who cares what she thinks? Is society really that into “star worship” that “ooh! Because if Alyssa Milano said she endorses Biden, I have to vote for him!” Who gives a rat’s ass what Alyssa Milano says? She is a bimbo who can remember a few lines and recite them in front of a camera, not a Rhodes Scholar! If this is truly where we are as a society, may GOD have mercy upon us all!
That is what I call blatant hypocrisy. She would call for Brett Kavanaugh to get due process. She didn’t decry his life being destroyed on the basis of much more flimsy evidence. There is a mountain photographic & video graphic evidence of Joe Biden putting his hands on women, groping them, etc. Infuriating.
Hmmm…. I don’t know~~ maybe Alyssa is jealous because nobody wants to grope her.
Reade got it right. Milano is only looking for a way to remain relevant; in truth, Milano is a non-entity.
This half witted confused, twisted political whore needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
Poor Melissa, she waited to long to start doing Porn.
I read a lot of the comments below. Many are “SO TRUE” Just what credence does Milano project into any discussion? Claims of sexual misconduct can be laid down by anyone, true of not. Then we need to get to the real truth. That process includes eye witness testimony, filed police records, etc. Historic past conduct of an accused person, male or female, has absolutely got to be considered. Now consider all the facts from history. Joe Biden has a very real history of “LIER OF THE MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, LIFETIME. His entire lifetime is a perfect storm of prevarications. To the less educated, that means he would always choose to lie about any event rather than tell the truth even if his actual life depended on his being honest and truthful. All above statements have been gathered from a long life of watching POLITICIANS. This nation was founded by farmers, retailers, publishers, revolutionaries, and many citizens who hated being controlled by abusive governments. Over the years of progress the scoundrels of lawyers and political thieves managed to change the rules of how to get elected to office and they then gained control of a God gifted democracy, The United States of America. Now has come a day when a country loving PATRIOT BUSINESSMAN has gotten elected to President of this nation. AS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. That means; WE WILL STRIVE TO ELECT BUSINESS OWNING, LAND OWNING, TAXPAYING CITIZENS!!
I; for one; in my personal opinion; believe that only those who have a huge stake by owning property and paying the overwhelming tax on those properties should have the right to vote in any election process.
Poor little Alyssa is nearly brain dead from all the head knocks against the head boards of scores of beds during her porn career.