WATCH: Devin Nunes Goes For Schiff’s Jugular In His Opening Statement At Impeachment Hearing

Wednesday was the first day of the impeachment hearings and right off the bat, Representative Devin Nunes took no time before digging into Chairman Adam Schiff for the way he’s running this hearing.

Practically this entire impeachment hearing is happening because he has orchestrated it all. He’s the only person who knows who the whistleblower is and no one is allowed to talk to him. In fact, he’s now saying that HE doesn’t even know who the whistleblower is. I’m calling BS on this one.

In Devin Nunes’ opening statement, he called out Schiff in more than one way.

“In a July open hearing falling publication of the Mueller report, the Democrats engaged in a last-ditch effort to convince the American people President Trump is a Russia agent.

That hearing was a pitiful finally of a three-year-long effort by the Democrats, the corrupt media and partisan bureaucrats to overturn the results of the 2016 election. After the spectacular implosion of their Russia hoax on July 24…on July 25th, they turned on a dime and now claim the real malfeasance is the Republicans dealings with Ukraine.”

In the blink of an eye we are asked to simply forget about Democrats on this Committee falsely claiming they had more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russians. We should forget about them reading fabrications of Trump, Russia collusion from the Steele dossier into the congressional record. We should also forget about them trying to obtain nude pictures of Trump from Russian pranksters who pretended to be Ukrainian officials.

We should forget about them leaking a false story to CNN while he was still testifying to our Committee claiming Donald Trump Jr. was colluding with Wikileaks. And forget about countless other deceptions large and small that make them the last people on earth with the credibility to hurl more preposterous accusations against their political opponents. And yet here we are. This is a carefully orchestrated media smear campaign.

Nunes also called him out for his refusing to allow certain relevant witnesses to testify during the hearing because they are Republicans.

Watch the video of Nunes’ opening statement below.

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