The Disaster That Was The Democratic Debate: Round 2

After the second night of debates from the Democratic party, one thing is for certain, this debate was just as bad as the first.

There really wasn’t anyone who stood out. If one had to declare a “winner”, it would probably have to be Kamala Harris.

I think Kayleigh McEnany, National Press Secretary summed it up best when she said,

“The cast of characters may have changed, but the second night’s script was eerily like the first: a two hour-long infomercial for President Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign. All of the Democrats tripped over each other in a race to see who could stand out as the most leftist candidate, threatening government control of every aspect of people’s lives. We are many months away from seeing who the Democrat nominee will be, but one thing is clear — President Trump will be the hands-down victor after each and every Democrat debate.”

President Trump also made a very good point as well.

He said, “… Maximum health care was given to 100 percent of the illegal immigrants coming into our country by the Democrats. Unfortunately, they didn’t discuss what they’re giving to American citizens. That’s not a good thing … [to Merkel] I look forward to spending time with you rather than watching the debate.”

And this is what Democrats are so focused on, taking care of anyone but the majority of Americans.

Ronna McDaniel, the Chair of the Republican National Committee tweeted,

“Tonight was no different. Democrats want a socialist agenda that includes sky high taxes on the middle class while giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants.
@realDonaldTrump’s AMERICA FIRST policies are working for ALL Americans.

And she’s exactly right. That’s all it is…a socialist agenda being pushed on Americans who DO NOT WANT SOCIALISM!

They will never win an election trying to push a socialist agenda in this country.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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