Teacher Strikes Back: Sues School District For Vile Practice

This is happening across the nation. You have schools pandering more and more to the “woke.” So now we have Critical Race theory being pushed in schools and Libs are trying to say it’s just revised history, but in actuality, it’s a means of racially dividing Americans. An Illinois teacher is saying enough is enough and she is suing her school for promoting racism.

According to a lawsuit filed by the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of teacher Stacy Deemar, the Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in northern Illinois has been forcing its teachers and students to engage in programming that discriminates against individuals on the basis of race in violation of both federal civil rights law and the U.S. Constitution.

The factual allegations made by the Southeastern Legal Foundation against District 65 are astonishing.

They include claims that District 65 (1) trained its teachers that “to be less white is to be less racially oppressive,” that “white identity is inherently racist,” and that teachers who disagree with these principles are “racists”; (2) taught its students that treating people equally “helps racism”; (3) engaged in race-shaming, such as racially segregated teacher and student “privilege walks”; and (4) directed the use of racially segregated “affinity groups” in which teachers were divided based on their race or racial identification.

These are just a few of the shocking allegations contained in the complaint.”

Kimberly Hermann, general counsel for the Southeastern Legal Foundation, warned:

By vowing to define its teachers and students solely by their race, District 65 promotes and reinforces a view of race essentialism that divides Americans into groups based solely on their skin color.

District 65 teaches its teachers and students that their whole identity comes from the color of their skin. It teaches them to hate each other. It teaches them not only how to be racist, but that they should be racist. This is illegal, wrong, and must be stopped.”

The School was saying you would agree with their discrimination if you were not racist. Sadly this is happening all over the country, especially in blue states, Deemar just happens to have the fortitude to stand up for her students and the future of America.

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