Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg Makes The Most Ridiculous Impeachment Suggestion Yet [Video]

This is rich: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg claims that Republicans are biased because they didn’t vote to impeach Trump. She adds that they shouldn’t be allowed to vote on impeachment. This all has been very rushed of Dems, who pushed for impeachment without solid evidence and now they want to cut Republican lawmakers out completely?

According to TheBlaze, liberal Justice Ginsburg said senators need to be impartial in carrying out their role as the “jury” in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

Ginsburg, 86, was asked during a BBC interview about Republican senators who have already said they will vote to acquit Trump, before the trial has even started.

“The House indicts, and the Senate tries. Should a trier be impartial? Of course, that’s the job of an impartial judge,” Ginsburg said.

BBC News’ Razia Iqbal pressed further, saying that it’s “problematic” that senators have already made up their minds.

“Well, if a judge said that, a judge would be disqualified from sitting on the case,” Ginsburg said.

The pursuit to impeach, thus far, hasn’t been brought to the Senate. Likely because it’s a completely baseless claim. The President addressed Democrats disregard for real justice in a 6 page letter that he sent to the Decratic leaders. He called them out for “subverting American democracy”:

He repeated his claim that the phone call with the Ukrainian president, a call which is at the centre of the impeachment inquiry, was “totally innocent”.

“Any member of Congress who votes in support of impeachment – against every shred of truth, fact, evidence and legal principle – is showing how deeply they revile the voters and how truly they detest America’s constitutional order.

“Our founders feared the tribalisation of partisan politics and you are bringing their worst fears to life.”

He ends the letter by saying that 100 years from now, people will understand and learn from this, “so that it can never happen to another president again”.

President Trump signs it off with “Sincerely yours”.


Ginsburg is declaring that Republicans can not review the lack of evidence in an impartial manner. An awfully bold assertion considering most of the impeachment process has been behind closed doors and lead by biased Democrats. Democrats who’ve made it clear that they’re more interested in impeaching the President than preserving the integrity of the United States Justice System.

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  • Ginsberg has lost her mind and should step down or forced to retire. Of all the lame-brain suggestions I have heard so far this tops them all! How could someone in their right mind suggest such a thing,……oh yes….unless you are Adolf Hitler and want complete control of the people and the country. After that comes the ploy that the people can’t vote for anyone because they are stupid and the government knows best who to choose to run the country or put officials into office. She is done as far as i am concerned and the growing detachment of logic and thought process is no longer with the 86 year old “justice” that should have gone away 10 years ago.

      • Ginsberg never had a “right” mind – she has always had a “left” mind. She has NEVER cared about the truth, only in furthering her liberal socialist communist democrat Pied Piper troll forked tongue snake agenda. Look at her photo – the hate and vitriol is so evident in her face – she looks like she should be wearing a pointed hat, carrying a broom, and if you splashed water on her, she would melt. Only an entity as evil as Satan could keep that alive – at least partially.

    • actually Ginsburg has committed many impeachable offenses during trump’s presidency against a sitting president and nothing has been done so much for SCOTUS doing the right thing!

  • She’s not much of a judge. The evidence gathered is hearsay and speculation, that a real judge would throw out of court. The second charge was B.S., due to executive privilege. A co-equal branch needs the courts to become superior, to the President. Otherwise they are equal and can request but not demand materials. A judge, not Ginsberg, who is sober and awake more than asleep would know that!

    • But an Executive (President) does have powers and that is why he gets things thru the SC because he is following our Constitutional documents and somehow Roberts is not so both should leave the SC as and Trump bring in real judges that like Justice Thomas follow our Constitutional laws.

    • Zactly! I saw her interview with the ChineseBbar and she was totally gone Chin to chest it was embarrassing and pitiful. Ginsberg GTFO

  • Pelosi and the America hating left will pay for their partisan and unfair behavior. Schiff, I believe is in legal jeopardy by accessing phone numbers of Nunez and several others and publishing them. Could not happen to a nicer liar.

  • Ginsberg is just carrying the democrat agenda to try to affect the re election of Trump in hopes she can wait out her replacement to be filled by someone that is at least as liberal as she is….Her plans a couple of years or so ago was to retire and move to New Zealand ….I guess she did not want to live in the liberal mess she helped create….best laid plans of mice and men….huh Ruthie?

  • According to that senile hag, only Democraps can form judgements based on innuendo, hearsay and unsubstantiated ‘factoids’. She has made a mockery of her position in the Supreme Court.

    • She apparently underwent radistion therapy for cancerous nodes on her pancreas last week. That’s the 2nd time. Just a matter of time. One more Justice for Trump, and hopefully not another John Roberts.

    • A bitter biddy who hates. This woman cannot be an impartial judge of anything .Shame on her and her beloved demoncrats!

  • Ginsberg is an autistic idiot. There is no place for her on the SCOTUS. she should be removed, her demensia is really becoming apparent.

  • Time for Ginsberg to step down. She’s obviously gone senile with age. If there’s no proof of any wrong doing by the President, then that’s just what it is. Nothing wrong with the President, McConnell, Graham, or anyone else pointing out how weak the Dems case is and what a one-sided sham the Dems “proceedings” have been. There are millions of us that think what the Dems have done is out of pure-biased hatred of the President and his supporters.

  • Now what is so wrong with what Ginsberg said, now each Senator and the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS will have to take an oath that they will be impartial, and rule on the evidence, and when many have already said they will not listen or read the evidence in any way. Now to be impartial according to the Dictionary, that means if this was a Democrat and they did the same thing would you vote the same way.
    Now the Senate is the Jury, now how many juries would seat anyone who has already decided which way they will vote. In every trial which i have sat as a jurior we have had to listen to the judge give instructions and ask questions, like, can you make an impoartial decision based on the facts, and have you heard about this case in the media or talked to someone about it, in those cases if you answer yes then you are disqualified.
    The factr exists that how can it be a fair trial if everyone has already made up their mind before they hear the evidence, and McConnel refusing to let witnesses be called.

    • The whole thing was a sham to begin with that’s the problem wasting tax payer money for three years creating BS that’s the problem . Trump is great has done great things for this country for all the people that want to change our country into something else should get the hell out . We Americans who love the law and constitution and our founding fathers live this country so does Trump . These deranged people only want power an money they care nothing about people it’s a joke a complete joke it’s sad people don’t wake up .

    • I understand the foreperson on the jury in the General Flynn trial was prejudiced before the trial began. They know that now but still have not called a mistrial. Shame!

  • If RGB got her wish, if no Republican voted to acquit, as long as they were present (voted “present”) the result would be the same: Article one section three clause six: “No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present.” Not “members voting” – Members present. RGB’s position would absolutely guarantee acquittal since fifty one percent, being present but not voting in favor of conviction, would acquit. The possibility of any Republican vote to convict would be eliminated. Not to mention,RBG for the same reason, eliminating the votes of any Democrat who has expressed a biased prejudgement of the trial.

  • This whole impeachment mess is just that ! A mess ! Ever since the 2016 elections the left has been against the president ! They’ve made baseless claims about collusion, when in reality if anyone colluded it was the left ! They cried quid pro quo when the only person that gained anything, was their beloved, crooked Biden ! It’s time all our ledgislatures, stop the foolishness and start doing real work for the country !!!

  • Perhaps the Supreme Court justice has forgotten that acquittal is the default vote since we are all innocent until proven guilty. She’s probably more focused on her various cancers and lung ailments.

  • Absolutely!
    NO ONE, who is pre-biased, should be allowed to “vote” in the “Impeachment Circus” …. especially Ginsberg, or any other ‘democrat’ that has already made up their mind that “anything & everything” can be done to get rid of Trump … no matter how illegal, immoral, unlawful, or unconstitutional.

  • Using the judges logic, she and three other judges, on the Supreme Court should recuse themselves from an rulings because they obviously base their decisions on their own personal biases and not what is written is the Constitution

  • Ginsberg should know the law …. you are innocent until proven guilty. And you get your day in court to prove your innocence. The Democrats NEVER allowed Republicans to speak or present THE TRUTH. I read also the other day Ginsberg said she would “get back to promoting women’s rights”. Well, somebody should definitely ask the “dozer offer” why she isn’t speaking out against Boys wearing lipstick and panty hose, claiming to be female gender, but still having all their male body parts, were ALLOWED TO ENTER AN ALL GIRL’S Sport competition, back East, involving running events, ect. ??? Since we all know a male’s mussels are different, and longer legs, taller in height …. well gee, lipstick got first and second places in the ALL GIRL’S Sports event. And they were guys!! And that is not fair to any girl’s rights …. participating in an all girl’s event should mean ALL GIRLS. Why isn’t Ginsberg speaking out on that? The same thing happened in an event in Europe and the boys won the trophies there, also. Where are ALL THE WOMEN’S RIGHTS VOICES NOW???? ASK GINSBERG!!

  • Justice Ginsburg needs to be let out to pasture the remaining time she has left on the top side of the soil. Her ability to make rational judgments and unbiased opinions while serving in the Supreme Court has long since lapsed. Is it necessary to die as a SC justice before your position is filled with a new (hopefully conservative) judge.

  • Ginsberg is simply ‘Parroting’ the Democrats and their Media. The Supreme Court would have been better off without her having ever been there.

  • These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! ‪Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!‬

  • Ginsburg sounds like she’s not carrying a full load in her brain. Who has been biased from the beginning???????????? What a joke. And she’s a Supreme Court Justice!!!

  • It’d seem that both RBG and Pelosi believe only those who want Trump out of office no matter the reason should be allowed to vote. How constitutionally adept of them.


  • RBG must suffer from early onset dementia. She clearly forgets that her own party began attacking Trump before he was elected. Members of the Dems from the start said, “impeach the MF” right in the Congress. She forgets they have changed the basis for impeachment several times. She calls that unbiased? Pelosi is withholding the Articles so she can get closer to 2020. That, too, is unbiased. I say she is biased just for saying what this article records.

  • This a person who refused to recuse herself when she spoke out in support of homosexual/lesbian marriage prior to hearing the case before SCOTUS. That is an impeachable offense. She should be impeached along with the two appointees of Barry Soetoro.

  • The democrats have lost their minds. The “party” has been anti-American and anti-Constitution from the day of their inception.

  • She needs to practice what she preaches she has already made her decision a few year back like the rest of the leftist talking heads the house just had the unethical impeachment process ever only one side could call any witnesses they wanted and even when republicans tried to question them for the truth corrupt shift would shut them down complete abuse of power and the same was done by the man with small syndrome anxiety Nattler when they make a movie of this sham impeachment it has to be rated comedy fiction

  • No disrespect to the judge Ginsburg, but the health problems that have been besieging her all year and beyond have definitively taken a toll on her judgment . SHE has no idea what the difference between partiality and partisanship – both of which the democRAT party acutely have in full measure- is, and that is nothing . Everyone of them,
    no matter what position they hold, are bigoted , jaded, single minded cheerleaders for totally their own side. She should have been criticizing the House procedures which were completely tainted and run for show, not for serious consideration. The demwit party reminds me of a quote my late mother used to throw at me all the time “Do as I say, not as I do !” And yes, she was a democRAT !!!

  • I guess Trump will get even with RBG when he replaces her with a conservative justice and makes the slimeball democrats seethe.

  • The democraps seem to think your guilty and you have to prove your innocent. Just imagine for a minute, the police break down your door at 0400 with a charge of murder, you’ve been home alone all night, you don’t have the murder weapon, but by God your guilty. Now using their claims, instead of the Prosecutor proving you did it, now you have to prove you did not! Their reasoning is insane. And once again they have gone back to Russia colousion. Our country is doing better than ever. But these damn fools would rather see us hurt and in danger, than strong and in charge. If this were aloud to stand, our whole justice system would be one big farce. Our president has done nothing wrong. But here’s a better question, if Joe Biden is elected, should he be up on charges of corruption, he was seem on TV time and again, how he stopped the investigation of his son? Romney son, Kerry son, pelosi son all have ties to the corruption in Ukraine.. I have said it and will say it again, if our president is taken out because of the corrupt democraps, there will be a civil war. The democraps don’t think much of their actions. To me it’s a boot on our necks by corrupt lifelong politicians. I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees!

  • And RGB is NOT a real judge, either. Her communist views and lack of Constitutional knowledge, she should have NEVER been nominated for SCOTUS. The communist dems showed their bias agenda the day after the Trump inauguration, and have been at it under numerous topics and charges for nearly 3 whole years. It’s like “global warming”, they have to keep changing the name (charges) because the narrative keeps falling apart. Only now are they crying about “fairness” because the Senate refuses to go along with their insanity. If insane Pelosi does not take the articles of Impeachment to the senate, then, OBVIOUSLY, she will be the one OBSTRUCTING justice and violating the Constitution, in which, the Articles of Impeachment will be NULL AND VOID!!

  • So RBG says Republicans should be impartial, when the Democraps have said that they wanted to impeach Donald Trump before he became President. RBG is just another hypocrite, by the comments she’s making. When there’s no evidence of wrong doing by our POTUS.
    Democraps think this is going to stop our President or the American people who will re-elect Donald Trump for 4 more years.
    What the Democraps have done, is wake up the American voters who are sick of the partisan BS.
    While we wait for RBG to either kick the bucket or realize by her trying to hang in the Supreme Court will not stop our President and his policies.

  • Justice Ginsberg is a clear example as to why life time appointments to the Supreme Court should not be allowed.

  • Li5ttle Ginsburg is also not a Justice who is Impartial in any of her long decisions, and should not let her Brains
    fall out when she gives any Opinion about any ELECTED American.

  • She’s comparing divorce to abortion??? What an asinine analogy. That video clip had absolutely nothing to do with the bogus impeachment of our duly-elected President.

  • This wicked witch of the North is on her last days. Please for the sake of the country retire and enjoy what God has given you. Oh that’s right. You don’t believe.

  • Democrats should not be allowed to vote. They weren’t fazed when the Commander In Chief failed to protect four great military heroes.

  • If I am not mistaken Ms. Ginsburg is herself being partial in her judgement of the Republicans. She herself has already drawn a conclusion and if the question of impeachment were brought before her in court she would then need to recuse herself due to bias.

  • Ginsburg should retire. If the Republicans cannot have a fair trial for Trump because they have made up their minds, then the Democrats should not have been able to impeach because they were prejudiced and made up their minds. Ginsburg can’t even stay awake at a State of The Union address. She should be replaced.

  • RBG will be replaced by a conservative soon. She has rarely acted like anything but a hard core liberal. Good riddance.

  • er….. Justice Ginsberg…. that would disqualify all of the Democrats who were calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment BEFORE the President even took the Oath! Fair is Fair, unless you want to exercise the ol’ Liberal “DOUBLE STANDARD” which you people wield like your own Hammer of Thor…NOT FAIR AT ALL

  • And this from an unbiased (supposed to be) Justice of our Supreme Court……I think she’s lost it if she makes PUBLIC statements like this

  • If That is the Ginsburg why is it that you are not impartial As a justice you have always made your decisions in the same fashion So it is no surprise that you are just running your liberal mouth I certainly hope you don’t want ant respect You need to be buried in an unmarked grave so not anyone would know She is a disgrace to her position and to our country and God is already dealing with her He has ordered her to a slow painful death for her liberal corruption

  • Of course Democrats haven’t made up their minds because the House impeachment scandal was so open and full of facts leading to “dastardly” charges that are not illegal nor unconstitutional if Trump actually did this and they certainly are not impeachable. And this drivel comes from another leftist beacon of honor that presided over lesbian weddings before voting to make them acceptable to our government.

  • This Old Gal should be long gone from the Court. We need a bright intellect on the court, not a burned out Justice who should have retired years ago.
    Her warped ideals should be dumped in the trash bin.

  • Wow, they made up their minds because NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE has been brought forward yet by Dems to prove their house of cards indictment.

  • That works both way Justice Ginsberg, The Democrat Senators were going to all vote to convict Trump.

    Justice drinks her lunch from a wine bottle every day then goes back to the court to fall asleep during deliberations. She needs to retire or maybe even impeached.

  • When Trump is re-elected, and the House flips to Republican and the Senate gets a larger majority for the Republicans, there are going to be a lot of democrats brought up on charges. Start with Pelosi, and Schiff. And fire the traitors that Obama put in the CIA, FBI, and NSA.

  • I don’t care how much fluff the Democrats throw at this old witch but she is the one that is biased out her kazoo! She speaks , walks, and quacks like a duck so she is one!

  • Quote: “She adds that they shouldn’t be allowed to vote on impeachment.” The President would still be acquitted because the constitution requires 2/3 of the Senate to vote for conviction. There are only 45 Democrats and two so-called Independents totaling 47 or in other words 20 votes shy of being able to convict.

    Quote: “Well, if a judge said that, a judge would be disqualified from sitting on the case,” Ginsburg said. Really? Well then that means that you need to recuse yourself from any case dealing with President Trump because you stated that you would move if he was elected. Sonia Sotomayor should recuse herself from every case that deals with non-Hispanic people and men. She stated that “because I am Latinx I would make much better than any white man.”

  • First of all, we have three branches of government and the separation of powers. She has no business telling Congress what or what not to do.

  • Demonstrating once again why the woman should NEVER have been confirmed for such a high post in the first place. Trump did nothing to justify impeachment. The ONLY reason they moved to impeach him is because of their hatred for all he’s doing, which is turning around their iron-fisted, top-down authoritarian rule over the American people, in pushing policies the overwhelming majority of us DON’T WANT, nor which are in accordance with the Constitution. He has really gotten their dander up with his putting originalists on the Supreme Court as well as circuit courts. This is completely trashing their goal of complete and utter one-party rule by them within their life times.

  • She needs to be put in a rest home under supervision of psychiatrists watching her 24/7. She is out of her mind!

  • I find it ironic and terribly amusing that a Justice who is referred to in the article as a Liberal Justice, then expects to be taken seriously in a discussion about impartiality. What a hoot!

  • Well, we know you hate Trump and want only a government to rule our Republic and take away our freedom and rights. Since you are very elderly and not 100% well and taking drugs and if you had a flu shot as well, you are a good one to catch and die from the coronavirus which would be a great thing to take place. We know you want to live long enough to see Trump out of office in Nov. but it ain’t gonna happen because we want to remove you from the SC because you know you are all also our employees and we have had it with you! You are way past your prime and time to stop hating our Republic and our President and also has stated that 12 yr. old girls are ready for sexual activities. Gee, did that happen for you so it is a good thing? Will be a great day when you are no longer in OUR SC!

  • Ginsberg is way past ripe. She has dropped from the tree, and wrought with decay. She cannot think clearly. She falls asleep chin to chest when in a seated interview. Or maybe it was not sleep- maybe it was John Barleycorn producing the effect of chin to chest. In either case, she is useless as a judge.

  • Another Lib leader slips quietly into senility. Joining Great Granny Nan and JoJo Biden is Ruthie Ginsberg who’s old enough to be Nans’ mother. An epidemic perhaps?

  • Justice Ginsberg should not be a SCJ since she’s not impartial . She did not consider both sides of the coin. Using her rational and apply it to the indictment, the democratic house representative decided to indict President Trump BEFORE they gather and review ANY evidences, they’re bias in indicting, then ALL democratic House Representative SHOULD NOT BE ALLOW TO VOTE IN INDICTMENT THE PRESIDENT SINCE THEY DID NOT VOTE UNBIASED, then they would NOT waste the funds, and time of the President as well as of the Americans.
    Due to the bias democratic house representatives, they waste the president’s time and effort UNTIL late February; and the President was busy until late february defending himself against the bias impeachment instead of using those time & energy to lead this country and to pay attention to the covid-19 .
    As a US Supreme Court Justice, Judge Ginsberg should act neutral, and it’s IMPROPER for her bias discussion against the US President.

  • Ginsberg has shown that she is no longer competent to want to bar Republicans from voting in the impeachment process. The entire democrat party had said that they would impeach Trump before he was even elected. They made it the centerpiece of their strategy from day one of his presidency. Furthermore, the case presented in secret to a select committee in the house, imposed a gag order on, and allowed no witnesses from, the Republican members. The hearing that was held in public did not allow the republicans to call any witnesses for their side and hindered questioning by the Republican members. None of the witnesses called by the democrats were direct witnesses to any misdeed by the President and none could testify to any wrongdoing on his part. Ginsberg has obviously lost control of her mental abilities to want to prevent any parties from any party from fulfilling their Constitutional duty in the voting process.

  • Although this seems a lifetime ago, it was only 4 short months. Never forget. Never forget that these shenanigans were occupying the time and attention of Congress when a terrible storm was building, one that would evaporate the world’s economy overnight. Never forget that some in Congress were dismissing the storm when the President halted travel from China to the United States, suggesting that he was seeking a distraction. In all of the leftist strongholds across this country, from sea to shining sea, Governors, Mayors, Public Health officials, Congressional Representatives and Senators were encouraging Americans to go out and mingle, go to Mardi Gras, celebrate Chinese New Year, go to the theatres and Broadway plays, crowd into all the best restaurants in the fair cities of New York, New Orleans, San Francisco. …..and when the storm comes, impeach the President because he let you do what we told you to do.

    As for this woman, Ginsburg, she is an insult to the Supreme Court and all of the principles of impartial justice. She doesn’t even pretend to be impartial. She isn’t “cool”, she’s just evil.

  • Ruth Buzzy has lost it. She and Biden should go get a joint deal on a room at an elder care facility.

  • What can I say, she is 86 years old and needs to retire. Her own Socialist party has to tow the line and cannot cross party lines or they are slapped down or forced to resign. She needs to go, her biased attitude should disqualify her from being a Federal Judge for all American Citizens.

  • I’m sorry but a Supreme Court Justice that’s already made her judgment she doesn’t deserve her bench seat either if the Senate can’t go in at least expecting innocence before guilt is proven. Besides she’s full of crap anyway because judges don’t pass sentence on people in high crimes a jury does of their peers. I think the old coot is senile and needs to go home lay down and take a nap.

  • If she feels that strongly about it why doesn’t she do it It is another don’t do what I do do what I say She is a big mouth She cannot stand to give up that position she needs to me retired It is sickening to even look at her She looks like a mannequin so old dengy second hand store They would never sell her

  • bitch, you need to retire…you are totally biased against Trump and saying Republicans cannot be biased…are you freaking kidding me? there was NO BIPARTISAN in that impeachment…get out of dodge

  • Why didn’t Ginsburg mention this bias of US Senators during the President Clinton impeachment, where Bill Clinton was proven guilty of what he was impeached for in a court of law and lost his law license forever because of it?

  • Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one. As such, it is SUPPOSED to be partisan. And this baby killer has no moral authority to speak out.

  • it appears that Ginsburg ears were also stuffed so she could not hear all the Democrats
    say Trump was guilty, I believe there were 4 Democratic Senators running for President
    Forget the House Democrats who did not believe the taped conversation which said
    Nothing about corruption but there was a tape of Joe Biden threatening to withhold
    1 billion dollars if they did not stop the investigation of his son and Biden further stated
    that they call Obama if they did not believe him. this tells me that either President Obama
    was threatening Ukraine (the crime the Democrats said Trump was doing) or Biden was
    lying about having permission. This Democratic party has to be one of the most corrupt
    and deceitful is history. they are lock step with Pelosi and Schumer, does not matter if
    someone is guilty or innocent, in the Democratic eyes they are guilty
    Ginsburg is too old and has served her time, time to go

  • A demented hag, in a position of extraordinary power, NO place for a senile leftist with no concept of “blind justice”.
    That the supreme court of the USA has no limits on a persons capability up to and including bias and pro communism is a disgrace and grave danger to a free society. Enough of them and we will have civil war, or be trampled as the Soviet Union (still exists folks) and Chinese, as well as Muslims are always looking to expand their horrific lifestyles on the world. She aids and abets the left, that would like nothing better than DOMINENCE where the actually CONTROL who live and who dies. Communists are dangerous, Ginsberg IS a communist, nuff said.

  • Somebody please tell me how Ginsberg was impartial about 3 of the cases before the Supreme Court: Defense of Marriage Act, homosexual marriage and Obamacare.

  • Now again this is all just BS, when even the Republicans in the Senate said they knew Trump was guilty, but they were not going to remove Trump from office. Now this is easily proven from actual comments made on live TV at the Capitol and now on the internet.

  • This woman needs to retire. She doesn’t seem to have any common sense or logic. How about all the democrats who stated before the senate hearing that they would vote to convict. She’s just another double talking liberal. She should be put in a home.

  • Buzzi Ginsberg shouldn’t be commenting about political issues and impeachment is political. If we’re going to talk about being fair and impartial, then Buzzi Ginsberg should be addressing her democrat pals.
    If anyone has made a judgement without evidence it’s the corrupt democrats. The dims have produced no evidence of any impeachable offense by the President . Pencil Neck Schiffhead and Humpty Dumpty Nadler have produced nothing but biased hate filled opinion not evidence.
    In the end, Buzzi Ginsberg should stay out of political issues and impeachment is political, especially the sham impeachment of President Trump.

  • Ginsberg is totally out of place and WRONG to be making this and other statements she’s made since Trump has been President. It is time.. for her TO GO!!!

  • What a strange comment from Ginsberg. Does she not realize the whole impeachment nonsense was political. Does she not realize the impeachment process is laid out in the Constitution while the judicial rules are have been developed by the judiciary. I would love to see her take on Judge on Amy Berman Jackson who seems to be abusing her judicial role? As an aside,it seems as if Ginsberg forgets her role as a Justice and seems to be stepping into the political arena. It is time for her to retire, but strangely, her retirement is predicated on Trump.

  • Republicans, before the trial began decided to equit Duh! There was no evidence to convict.
    So duh. democrats decided to empeach the day President Trump was elected, Then they proceeded their investigation, which didn’t produce any evidence.

  • Old ‘news’.
    If ANYONE is biased, it’s Ginsberg. Her voting the Democrat Party line with the cases that come before the SC is as blatant and established as she is old.
    Her “Best before” date is LONG,, LONG, past due.

    • I totally agree! When I first saw the headline, I thought, “What the heck happened while I was asleep last night?”

  • Justice Ginsburg, herself, is completely out of line making her comments – which clearly show HER biases. Sad that she’s held her lifetime position (far longer than a President) and been able to impact the “Supreme Court” with those biases for many, many years! She should ‘stifle’ her biases and keep quiet! That’s MY opinion

  • Look closely folks this is what it looks like when Satan takes over a former human body. This creature is responsible for the murder of MILLIONS of unborn babies. We can take pleasure in knowing it will be defeated and burn in HELL for all eternity.

  • Could Justice Ginsberg’ argument also preclude the Democrats from voting also, as they have already presumed that Trump is guilty, and had gone on record many times in the press, saying that Trump is guilty of crimes. It doesn’t seem to matter to them that the charges are based on no evidence.

    Justice Ginsberg has apparently lost her mind, and needs to be sent home to find it.

    • Trump, according to the Democrats, has been “guilty” before he even took office. Instead of the Democrats having to prove him guilty, President Trump had to prove himself innocent! The divide in our nation has become so deep, I question if it can be repaired.
      Trump 2020!!

  • The Judge has been known to partake of large quantities of the fruit of the vine during extended lunch hours, and then to return to the court where she promptly passed out during proceedings.

    If anyone deserves to be impeached, it would be the Judge.

  • “If” Ginsburg truly felt this way, why didn’t she recluse herself from the whole gay “marriage” debate? She and Sotomayor had conducted gay “marriages” before the Supreme Court ruled on the Constitutionality of it! This indicates they both had already made up her mind on the matter, which clearly demonstrates neither were impartial! This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the left! See how this works Justice Ginsburg? You cannot have it both ways, it either fits ALL or none!

  • Where is John Roberts, looking for his balls? Judge Roberts needs to have a medical exam done on Ginsberg to see if she is medically fit to be a judge.

  • John Roberts, (there is no democrat or republican judge) LMAO. Would love to know what the D-Rats have on him.

  • And she as a Justice has completely sold out to Democrats, always votes for Democrat positions. Her anti Trump crap should not allow her to have any opinion on any case Trump is involved in, which would be most the Supremes hears.

  • The woman is a moron. Every dumbocrat vowed to vote to impeach, so where oh where is their impartiality, madame justice?

  • She should be removed and it is possible. According to Article III of the Constitution, it says nothing about any judge having a lifetime appointment, and they can be removed.

  • The “Supreme Court” has been politicized since the time of FDR — and Ginsberg is a typical example. The “goal” of the Court IS SUPPOSED to be “Interpreting the Constitution” — the ‘liberal’ goal is WHATEVER their ‘political’ drivers want. There should be an age limit placed on the Justices — without her “Law Clerks”, I doubt Ginsberg could write a simple ‘brief’.

  • Ginsberg is clearly going senile. She surely has read the Constitution? It doesn’t discriminate against any political party/group. Talk about rewriting the Constitution? She is a gross offender with that comment. An impeachment is a political process and it should be viewed as such.

  • The old girl has a GREAT IDEA, let’s just change it a bit, DUMBOCRATS should be allowed to vote on NOTHING.

  • RBG has never followed our Constitution in any of her rulings, so it’s no surprise that she has her own ideas about what impeachment should look like, too. What concerns me about her is that she has, by putting her nose into the impeachment process,has gone where no supreme court justice has ever gone before she has shown blatant bias politically (justices are supposed to be apolitical (Chief Justice Roberts says). She claims it is wrong to have a fixed point of view politically, but there has never been a case coming before the court in which it isn’t possible to predict what her ruling will be, regardless of the circumstances.

  • This biased senior, sitting on the bench of the US Supreme court, should know a lot better than to say something this silly.

  • In the same way that she condemns Republicans who have already made up their minds, she should condemn those Democrats who are partisan and have made up their minds to impeach even in the vacuum of no evidence.

  • Mme Justice: since either you have forgotten the wording in the US Constitution or are unable to read it, it is time for you to retire. Just a reminder, The House impeaches, the United States Senate tries the case to verdict…You have disqualified yourself from future voting on this issue as you are now publicly a Pro Democratic Party Hack…

  • Seriously? Not only do we need term limits, we need age limits too. No one over 65 should be allowed to hold a Government job. Ginsberg, Pelosi, Schumer, H.Clinton, Biden- they’re all senile and belong in a Senior Care facility.

  • Obviously, at 86, Justice Ginsburg is suffering from dementia and should be replaced on the high court!

  • Speaker Pelosi ignored the House rule for a full House vote to open the investigation. This shampeachment was unconstitutional from the get go. Its curious that she held onto her ‘articles’ until January just when the ‘Wuhan Flu’ arrived with Xi and his negotiators to finalize Phase One of their trade deal.

  • What Ginsburg does not seem to comprehend in her enfeebled liberal mind, is that the entire idea and process of presidential impeachment is purely partisan, politically driven, especially in the case of Pres. Trump.

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