Sue Happy Trans Has Found A New Target, Comedian Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais destroyed Hollywood Celebs at the Golden Globes. He did not hold back attacking them over their friendships with Epstein, to their out of touch political rants. But the Hollywood Celebs were not the only people he triggered. Gervais recently bashed Trans activist Jessica Yaniv for her ridiculous complaint about how a gynecologist would not see her. So now Yaniv is trying to stop one of his upcoming shows in Canada.

It was this Twitter response that triggered her. (He is a bit vulgar..)

“It’s disgusting that a qualified gynaecologist can refuse to check a lady’s c**k for ovarian cancer. What if her bollocks are pregnant? She could lose the baby. I’m outraged.”

So when Yaniv heard that Gervais was going to be performing in her birthplace Canada she decided to make a stand from her hover round. She plans to somehow put a stop to the show.

Yaniv became a semi-famous trans activist after she went after Salons for refusing to give her a Brazilian, Yaniv still retains her biological male parts. So she was basically asking these Salons to wax around her male genitalia. She became triggered by the “discrimination” that she sued the numerous salons that refused her. She of course lost but found a new target in a gynecologist office that refused to see her.

And that if were not enough the transactivist seems to have a thing for the underaged.

This guy is known to be going into girl’s bathrooms and asking about periods and pads,” wrote Jessica Rumpel, one of his victims, claimed in a Facebook posting. “I remember being 15 and he was asking me so many questions about periods, how to put a pad or tampon on and how to go into girl’s bathroom without freaking chicks out.”

Rumpel said Yaniv was nearly twice her age at the time.

“This guy hit on me, it was f—— gross,” wrote Rumpel. “He talked to me in an Elmo voice and it now just gives me the creeps. He even told me ‘I wanna have sex with girls under 18 because they seem to be more tighter.’”

“Ok you just confessed to me you like having sex with underaged girls when you’re almost in your 30s,” continued Rumpel.

“Around 2016-ish he was doing the same thing to other young girls who were actually way younger than me,” said Rumpel. “I found some that were 13, even … 12 years old, and these girls told me that he lied about his age.”

Rumpel said she stood up for the girls Yaniv was preying on. “I called him out on his b——-,” said Rumpel. “He blocked me right away and said I betrayed him.”

The funny thing is that Yaniv believes that she will somehow be able to stop Gervias from performing in Canada as if she has that kind of sway. But other transgender folks don’t like her either, so this is just Yaniv trying to get more time in the limelight.

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  • HE is not a she…all HE is, is mentally ill! Society used to help people with mental illness, now all society does is either
    facilitate their fantasy or is too afraid of being called names to do anything. SHAMEFUL!

  • Does the guy really look in the mirror and think he looks good ? He’s scarey looking and I bet kids run from him . But being part of the glbt group they feel they should get special treatment . No matter how creepy they look . If you want to mess your life up that’s find but why should every one else have to suffer for it . I mean really … you take things to far and that’s why you get so much crap about your life style . Do what you want but be ready because not everyone thinks like you . And the shit may hit the fan . Specialy when it comes to men using women’s bathroom . Don’t ever follow my daughters or granddaughters into the bathroom if your a male . It won’t end well for you .

  • The article needs to correct the use of pronouns in a few places. The proper pronoun is “he” not “she”. For instance this sentence:

    “Yaniv became a semi-famous trans activist after she went after Salons for refusing to give her a Brazilian, Yaniv still retains her biological male parts. ”

    should be:

    “Yaniv became a semi-famous trans activist after HE went after Salons for refusing to give HIM a Brazilian, Yaniv still retains HIS biological male parts. ”

    The fact that he is mentally ill does not change his gender, even if he does have “sex-appearance change” operation.

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