Southern Bapstists Are Changing Their Name To Be More P.C.

The current overly P.C. culture strikes again. The P.C. crowd and BLM are making people get overly sensitive when it comes to names and the origin of companies. Sports teams and food manufacturers alike are rethinking if their name is still considered “appropriate.” Hence why we have lost the Red Skins, Aunt Jemima Syrup, and Uncle Ben’s. The Southern Baptists have decided that their name could also be deemed offensive so they are getting rid of the “hateful” term “Southern.” I guess regions are now offensive?

The group has decided they now want to be called “The Great Commission Baptists.”

Our Lord Jesus was not a white southerner but a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee,” Greear, the current S.B.C. president, told the Post. “Every week we gather to worship a savior who died for the whole world, not one part of it. What we call ourselves should make that clear.”

The name change would serve two purposes, according to the Post. Primarily, it would help the denomination reckon with its sordid racial history. But it would also give the group better footing for a global presence.

Nathan Finn, a Southern Baptist historian who is provost of North Greenville University, told the Post that the name change is not about southern embarrassment — but rather loving one’s neighbor well.

“I’m not embarrassed to be a Southerner,” Finn said. “It’s about what that word conjures up for people, especially people of color. They’re saying: ‘That name is a hang-up. When my people hear that name, they think slavery.’ God forbid we keep a name that evokes that.”

This is another time where people are being a little too sensitive. Slavery has been abolished in this country for over 150 years and it was present both in the Northern and Southern States. This seems like a stretch finding offense with the term “Southern.” But Libs seem to be experts at making everything racist or evil.

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