There’s nothing wrong with partying, but you gotta be careful what you do when that alcohol is in your system.
A woman died in a freak accident while turning up on vacation in the Dominican Republic and it was caught on video.

Natalia Borodina was a 35-year-old mother whose viral and graphic video has become popular in a horrific manner.
Borodina was wearing only white bikini bottoms when she appeared in a video whilst on vacation in the Dominican Republic. In differing versions of the video, Borodina can be seen hanging out of the passenger window of a moving car, with no bikini top covering her breasts.

Borodina would playfully lick her finger for the camera, but the scene turned tragic and deadly when Borodina’s head smashed into a lamp post on the side of the road. One version of the graphic video can be seen on the Daily Mail website, with Borodina‘s naked parts blurred out, stopping before the moment of impact that killed the Russian woman.
Borodina was allegedly being recorded by the driver of the moving car, with Borodina placing herself in a very dangerous situation so many miles away from her Moscow home after she decided to strip off her bikini top for the racy video.
The viral video was taped near a Punta Cana highway but has now traveled around the world as shocked viewers witness the footage filmed by Borodina’s 32-year-old friend, Ivanna Boirachuk. Ivanna was thought to be the driver of the car.
After Borodina‘s head made an impact with the lamp post, Borodina was taken to the hospital and died of serious injuries. It is against the law in some countries to stick arms or other body parts outside of moving vehicles. Such a decision can bring a ticketed fine, but in Borodina‘s case, it brought death.
According to Opposing Views, at the time of her death, she had been working in Cannes, France, as a luxury estate agent – selling properties to wealthy Russian buyers.
Friends said that her family knew about Borodina’s gruesome death.
Watch the video below for more details: (Warning: Graphic)
Sources: OpposingViews, Daily Mail
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