Sen Kennedy Predicts Biden’s Woke Agenda Has Made This Almost Inevitable

This is good news if Senator Kennedy is right. Biden has been ruining the country. He has made us look weak and vulnerable to our adversaries, he refuses to fix the border crisis he created when he took over, and he is trying to further divide us by forcing Critical Race Theory on our kids. Senator Kennedy pointed out these many flaws and more but explained there is a silver lining. If we can endure his garbage leadership until the fall, he predicts liberals will have driven most Americans to vote against Dems. Thereby crippling the rest of Biden’s term.

“Number one, the Biden administration’s effort to get rid of the 60-vote threshold of the United States Senate is not about a Senate that that doesn’t work. It is about a woke agenda that doesn’t sell. Getting rid of the 60 vote threshold in the Senate, in my judgment, would be like giving whiskey and car keys to a teenage boy,” he told Fox News’s “Hannity.”

“Point 2, the Biden administration has mismanaged COVID. It has mismanaged inflation. It has mismanaged the border, and it is mismanaged foreign policy all in one year. If the aliens landed tomorrow and said take me to your leader, it would be embarrassing,” the senator said.

“Now President Biden is trying to change the subject by talking about race, and he is mismanaging that. America is not perfect. Americans know that, but they also know that we are good. Black lives have mattered to most Americans for a long time,” Kennedy said.

“That’s why we passed civil rights laws in 1866, 1871, 1875, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1990, and 1991. That’s why we elected an African American president twice. That’s why we have over 10,000 elected public officials in this country who happen to be black, and President Biden is wrong to say that tens of millions of Americans are racist because they don’t support his woke agenda,” he said.

“The truth is most Americans don’t think that much about race. They think about character. They understand that souls have no color. Most Americans understand that to a bear, we all taste like chicken, and I am very proud of the racial progress that we’ve made in America, and President Biden should be too, and I feel very strongly about this issue,” the senator said.

Kennedy said that he trusts the American people, “and the American people may be poorer since the Biden administration took over, but they are not stupid, and I think that most of them are sitting there thinking, you know, Republicans aren’t perfect, but the other side’s now crazy.

“And I don’t think they support President Biden’s radical woke agenda, and I think they’re going to speak very loudly this November, just as they spoke in New Jersey and in Virginia,” he said.

Watch The Clip Below. 

We can only hope this is right. Dems are eventually going to bribe, blackmail, or somehow handle Manchin and Sinema. They are the only ones stopping many of the Democrats ‘ radical policies from being pushed through, since they refuse to help their fellow Dems get rid of the filibuster.

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