SCOTUS Justices Are About To Make NY Libs Scream At The Sky

You know it is crazy that Libs were actually screaming at the sky over Trump winning, that they were in so much anguish that they needed to just scream and let the world know they have issues. This story is not anywhere near as good as Trump taking the WH from Hillary, but it still is great news for Americans wishing to use their second amendment in New York. The Supreme Court of the United States is looking at the gun control laws in New York and it appears the Justices are in the process of deciding to overturn some of them, returning some gun rights back to American citizens.

The Supreme Court appears inclined to wipe out a series of gun control measures that require firearm owners to show a particular, unusual need to get a permit to carry a gun outside the home.

During arguments Wednesday, on New York state’s strict gun laws, the high court’s conservative majority signaled that it is likely to rule that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms precludes states from insisting that individuals show “proper cause” before being licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense.

The Republican-appointed justices contended that such rules treat Second Amendment rights as inferior to other constitutional rights like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh said he was troubled that New York’s system allows officials “blanket discretion” to accept or reject a request for a permit. “That’s just not how we do constitutional rights,” Kavanaugh said.

Chief Justice John Roberts expressed similar reservations.

“You don’t have to say when you’re looking for a permit to speak on a street corner that your speech is particularly important,” Roberts said. “The idea you need a license to exercise the right, I think, is unusual in the context of the Bill of Rights.”

New York has some crazy restrictive gun laws, but that’s largely because it’s a blue state, and it seems most Libs don’t think Americans should have the right to bear arms. So this is great news for New Yorkers and the precedent that comes out of this case will likely help other Americans in blues states overcome oppressive gun laws set by gun-hating Libs.

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