Schumer And Schiff Are Suddenly Refusing An Offer To Bring In Witnesses

The Impeachment Managers and GOP Dems have been all about getting John Bolton to be heard at the trial. Dems seem to need more evidence and witnesses because of their flimsy case. But it appears at the mere idea of a witness trade they suddenly were not interested. Wait so do they want witnesses or not? I could have sworn Pelosi held the articles of impeachment hostage for over a month just for a chance at getting witnesses…

Some Senators proposed a witness trade of John Bolton for Hunter Biden. But for some reason, Schumer and Schiff both were not interested. It’s funny how things have to be on their terms or not at all.

“That’s off the table,” Schumer said flatly in response to a question posed by Blaze Media. “First of all, the Republicans have the right to bring in any witness they want. They haven’t wanted to and that trade is not on the table.”

Schiff also scoffed at the idea.

Calling in Biden at this stage of the process would be “an illegitimate abuse of the trial.”Like Schumer, Schiff also dismissed the idea of a Biden-Bolton witness compromise on Wednesday, telling reporters, “This isn’t like some fantasy football trade.”

“This isn’t ‘We’ll offer you this if you’ll give us that; we’ll offer you a witness that is irrelevant in material, who has no relevant testimony, but a witness that will allow us to smear a presidential candidate if you want to get a legitimate witness,'” Schiff continued. “That’s not a trade. Trials aren’t trades for witnesses,”

What are they so afraid of here? I thought Dems said that Bolton was going to make their impeachment case for them? Or is it that they are afraid of bringing in Biden’s only “surviving son?” Perhaps they are worried that Biden and his son are complicit in corruption in Ukraine.  That could definitely hurt a frontrunning Dem’s presidential campaign.

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    • I like the other version: Blessed are those who can both push and pull for they shall be known as JERKS!!

      Mitch should tell ‘Shiftless’ Schiff why should I call witnesses you FAILED to call. If you want to call whomever YOU DID NOT CALL, I will send ‘your political’ impeachment back to the House!!

  • Hunter Biden is a loose canon (chip off the old block). He’s more protected than most, but if push comes to shove, it could be that Arkanside is in his future.

  • I’m Curious,,,,

    IF it really is ‘unconstitutional’ to obstruct congress, then isn’t it EQUALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL to obstruct the Executive Branch?

    And wouldn’t that also drag the JUSTUS Branch into the fray for the unconstitutional obstruction by numerous ‘justices’ across the nation?

  • Dear Hunter is being pressed for the past 5 years of his cashflow records by Family Court, in determining his duty to provide for the support of the baby he lately sired with that former stripper while courting his dead brother’s widow. He is stalling, for that disclosure will publish all proceeds from the Ukrainian Awl Company and the ChiCom Awl Company. If that breathtaking amount hits the Senate and the headlines, Quid Pro Joe’s candidacy goes the way of that Iranian terrorism tactician. As Plugs would plead, “C’mon, man, let’s do some push-up’s.”

  • Offering to allow Bolton to testify is nothing. He can be easily discredited, and as I recall is already banned under Executive Privilege. Schiff and Nadler are deathly afraid to allow EITHER BIDEN to testify. Hunter has too much dirty laundry (including diapers), and Joe can’t keep his trap shut. The Dems just don’t have a case. JMO

  • Looks like Schumer and his clone were caught up in a device of their own making. Surely they must have thought ahead to realize that Hunter would be the first witness called, then good old Joe, and right after that Obozo to confirm that he had told Joe to shake down Ukraine.

  • Biden BRAGGED about holding a billion $ ransom from Ukraine until the investigator investigating his son and the corrupt company his son worked for, was fired.
    They want to impeach President Trump because he felt Americans needed to know if it was true.

  • Dems have never actually wanted this to go past their smear campaign against Trump in the House and against Senate Republicans in the Senate. If they did they would have handled it very differently and tried to get to the bottom of things. However, they know there is no real case to be made except against BIden, Pelosi, Kerry, Schifty, Nadler, Romney etc. on their side of the isle, so they don’t really want a case to be made. What they want is to give voice to the demented unfounded hate they have worked so diligently to create in their voters in hopes that if they vent out the rage correctly enough it will translate into votes. The problem they will finally be slammed with in Nov. is that only a small shrinking portion of the population; which they call their base, is stupid enough to fall for it. The rest of America finds it insulting.

  • In that picture of SCHIFF and SCHUMER decided not to call any Witnesses is because they know that they have lost their fight against removing TRUMP from Office ! The picture 📷 of PENCIL NECK SCHIFF Smileing looks like he has something in his 👄mouth that doesn’t belong to him . Could it belong to Schumer ?

  • who believes the non-believers? Schiff is a zeo from california and will be referred to in history as the ‘lyon” of the House.

  • They probably don’t want Robert Mueller as a witness either. While spending 2 years and $25M looking for such evidence of collusion and illicit activity but none of it that would sufficiently implicate President Trump/Trump team, I wonder how many times Mueller and his team saw that kind of evidence that didn’t implicate the right target. If so, did he or his team just say something like “That’s not good, it would be good to find this type of evidence on Trump” or tell the info holder/source that the info was a liability but fortunately outside the focus of his investigation to get the goods of Trump.

  • The only ones that are looking like total idiots are the House Democrats! They are like the three stooges! They are so pathetic! Is this the best that comes out of California! No wonder that state is so despicable and despised! No wonder they schools are so far behind the rest of the states! Instead of using that thing on the top of their shoulders for learning something they’d rather go out and fry their melon with all sorts of illegal drugs! I think if you put them all together they still couldn’t manage to raise a fart!

  • It is now reported that the alleged “whistleblower” was engaged in a conversation in 2017, that’s right 2017, that “Trump would have to be removed”! If true, here is your conspiracy coupled with “the coincidental” rule change to allow hearsay evidence from a whistleblower to be submitted, when the rule had been that first hand knowledge of an event was required up to this point! Deep state socialists at work! Now you know why Schiff stated that testimony from the whistleblower was “not needed” during the House impeachment.

  • The DIMMs cannot afford to let Hunter Biden near the witness stand, he is the lynch pin to the Biden family criminal acts under the office of VP Gaffer Joe…The Fraud Barry Sotero cannot allow Biden to be in a open investigation, Biden will destroy both the Clinton’s and Sotero in one fell swoop and obliterate the Deep State…..Oh the tangled web we weave………

  • Actually, Hunter is only the tip of the Iceberg as quid-pro-quo-Joe BiteMe has been pulling this type of criminal action since becoming VP.

    He’s fed his relatives millions/billions(?) of our tax dollars simply because they are crooks and can lie quite well, till caught. It looks like Harry, head of the Reid Crime family, was only a piker, but the Clinton-Crime-Family continues to hold the title. 😊

  • The strange thing is Schumer and Schiff have no say in this matter. They do not have the votes. They are horrified at the thought of Joe an Hunter Biden testifying. Their clamor for witnesses if nothing more than theater.

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