President Trump Issues Executive Order That INFURIATES Dems [VIDEO]

President Trump has been working very hard at fixing our immigration problem.

He’s building the wall, he’s deporting people who shouldn’t be here because they’re criminals, and now he’s trying to get a count of how many citizens we actually have by signing a new executive order.

From The Gateway Pundit,

Trump confirmed an earlier report claiming he would take executive action that instructs the Commerce Department to acquire data on citizenship through other means.

“Today I will be issuing an executive order to put this very plan into effect immediately,” Trump said. “I am hereby ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and non-citizens in our country.”

“The Census Bureau projected that using previously available records, I could determine citizenship for 90% of our population or more,” Trump said. “We’re aiming to count everyone.”

“We will leave no stone unturned,” he added.

President Trump was forced to take this route after the Supreme Court (liberal Chief Justice Roberts) asserted that the Trump Admin failed to adequately justify adding the citizenship question to the census.

No doubt, this executive action taken by President Trump will be challenged in court by radical, open borders zealots.

Politico responded on Twitter saying, “Donald Trump is using his executive powers to order every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all records on the number of citizens and non-citizens in the U.S.”

Why are they even upset about this? Why is this such a huge deal to them to get a number of how many citizens we have in our country?

I’ll tell you why, because there is one reason and one reason only. The Democrats are trying to bulk up their voter roster.

That’s all it boils down to. They could give a care less about the citizens of this country. All they care about is power and being in a position of authority.

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