Only after it became too much to cover up, did Dems decide they would go after Governor Andrew Cuomo. He is now planning to resign in two weeks after the threat of impeachment started to become more serious. Meghan McCain took to Twitter to call out all of the B.S.. She was clearly sick of the MSM’s and their failure to be impartial.
McCain’s tweets.
“Give @JaniceDean all of the awards. Cuomo was not only a serial abuser but killed 15,000 elderly victims in nursing homes due to negligence. He made 5 million profiting from a book deal, all while the media called themselves “cuomosexuals” and ignored his criminal behavior.”
“You wanna know why no one trusts the media? The “Cuomosexuals” on tv who kissed his ass, never reported his criminal behavior or let it slide from political convenience and working with his brother. This is why we are radicalized. There is no reason to trust this country club.”
“History will look back on the way the media covered Andrew Cuomo the past 19 months and it will be studied in journalism classes as the worst kind of dishonest malfeasance “journalism” has to offer. Thank God for @JaniceDean and shame on every single one of you who doubted her.”
But this is not the first time she has called out Cuomo, while she was still on “The View” she said the following:
“You want to talk about nepotism?” McCain asked. “Not having to talk about the biggest scandal in the country when it has to do with your brother and you’re hosting CNN, that’s nepotism.”
“The Cuomo family and CNN are the worst kinds of nepotism that the media has an example of,” she added. “If it were my brother and he had been accused of this, you’d be damn straight I would be talking about it on ‘The View’ this morning, and that makes all of them cowards.”
It’s great that Cuomo is leaving office, he is clearly not someone that should have an ounce of power. But he should have been long gone already. He caused the deaths of numerous elderly last year, yet it’s sexual assault that is his undoing.
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