Maxine Water Gets What She Deserves After Illegal Dealings


Maxine Waters has been one of the biggest pain in the butt Representatives that we’ve ever seen. She has given conservatives such a hard time on everything ranging from the Second Amendment to President Trump himself. Finally, she’s getting what she deserves.

Waters has been abusing a loophole in the system in order to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars to her daughter as part of her method of raising support.

What she does is gets politicians to pay big bucks to her so they can be on her mailers that she sends out to 200,000 voters in Los Angeles which lets them know who she supports and who they should vote for. Obviously, if they’re paying her she’s going to say she supports them.

But a lot of that money for producing the mailer is going to her daughter Karen Waters for helping her produce the mailers. All in all, she’s paid her daughter $750,000. Now a government watchdog group has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Maxine requesting a full audit to be completed on her campaign.

According to Fox News,

“Maxine Waters found an old provision and turned it into a cottage industry,” Anderson told Fox News.

However, the FEC complaint filed on July 25 states that the California Democratic party paid $35,000 to the Waters campaign in 2016 to include the endorsement of Harris’ Senate candidacy on the mailer. The FEC complaint, which cited an October campaign finance report, contends a third party is not legally allowed to pay for the mailer of a candidate without a reimbursement under the 2004 FEC advisory opinion.

A separate report shows that the Harris campaign paid $30,000 to the Waters campaign earlier in 2016 for a primary slate mailer, but no subsequent payments.

“The Democratic State Central Committee of California’s $35,000 contribution to Citizens for Waters violated campaign finance limits,” the complaint states.

Photo Credit: Majunznk

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  • Poor old demented, tormented, egregious Waters. She must have thought she was above the law. Wait a minute, isn’t that what these baby killers are using to impeach President Trump ?

  • Maxine waters always thinks that white representatives cheat and steal at every opportunity. That somehow justifies her being a lying bitch and stealing supporting her daughter with government money. When will the government prosecute. Then she can yell the government is racist and only follows black people.

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