The crazy thing about that title is that we are not even a year into Biden’s presidency and you have to ask which one. A marine has been jailed after he posted videos on social media questioning the decisions made during the botched Afghanistan Evacuation. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller’s videos went viral and the higher-ups didn’t like it. He put in for his resignation despite being 3 years away from being eligible for lifelong retirement and medical benefits. But it looks like early retirement was not enough and now he has been charged and is being held until trial.
“Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the Marine officer whose meteoric rise to internet fandom began with a video criticizing military leadership over Afghanistan, is currently in the brig, his father told Task & Purpose.
“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,” said Stu Scheller Sr. “He was asking for accountability. In fact, I think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn’t do that, which is mind-blowing.”
He said that his son is expected to appear before a military hearing on Thursday.
“They had a gag order on him and asked him not to speak,” the senior Scheller said. “He did, and they incarcerated him. They don’t know what to do with him.”
After this story was first published, the Marine Corps issued a statement confirming that Scheller has been sent to the brig.
“Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. is currently in pre-trial confinement in the Regional Brig for Marine Corps Installations East aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune pending an Article 32 preliminary hearing,” said Capt. Sam Stephenson, a spokesman for Training and Education Command. “The time, date, and location of the proceedings have not been determined. Lt. Col. Scheller will be afforded all due process.”
(After publication the Marine Corps confirmed that Scheller is accused of the following offenses under the UCMJ: Article 88: Contempt toward officials, Article 90: Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer, Article 92: Failure to obey an order, and Article 133: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.)
Scheller first gained notoriety on Aug. 26, when he posted a video on Facebook and Linkedin criticizing the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. In the video, Scheller accused senior military leaders of shirking their responsibilities, and questioned some of the command decisions that were made leading up to, and during, the final moments of America’s longest war.”
Watch The Clip Below.
This was a brave thing he did, he is a true patriot risking it all to call out corruption. He risked all of his benefits in order to bring attention to the lack of accountability. But now he has been forced to take early retirement and he may very well end up in prison for a while.
But this outcome should have been expected, our current leaders are cowards. They are not going to do the honorable thing when it comes to the botched evacuation, and they are definitely not going to respond to this public demand well. We don’t have leaders that take responsibility anymore. Biden and Kamala are constantly dodging any sort of blame, and our military leaders seem to be sweeping the fact that Afghanistan was a failure under the rug.
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