Islamic Caliphate Destroyed! Last ISIS Stronghold Is Gone

As President Trump has been saying for some time now, ISIS has been defeated.

Now we as public citizens can finally see this for ourselves.

It was announced Thursday that the Islamic Caliphate under ISIS has fallen apart and the last stronghold it has is now liberated.

This is all because of President Trump’s aggression toward destroying ISIS when former President Obama would not. Obama wouldn’t even refer to them as terrorists.

According to Fox News,

The caliphate has crumbled, and the final offensive is over. While the official announcement hasn’t yet been made – Fox News has been told that this village, the last ISIS stronghold, is liberated.

It’s the first time since we’ve been here in Syria for five days that the bombs have stopped dropping and the gunfire has disappeared. We have witnessed the end of the caliphate – the brutal empire that once ruled over 8 million people – is gone.

Troops here are now bringing down the black flags of ISIS. The flags no longer fly over the town, instilling fear.

The last five days, Fox News has witnessed the last major offensive up close -– with U.S.-backed SDF forces attacking ISIS from three sides, pushing the fighters back, house to house, then tent to tent, against the Euphrates River.

ISIS would never have been such a problem had it not been for us basically giving them weapons.

The Hill reported that,

Weapons the United States originally supplied to Syrian rebels have ended up in the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), according to a study released Thursday.

A 200-paged report by Conflict Armament Research analyzed more than 40,000 weapons retrieved from ISIS in the past three years, finding cases in which the weapons were originally supplied by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Libya.

“In summary, evidence collected by [Conflict Armament Research] indicates that the United States has repeatedly diverted EU-manufactured weapons and ammunition to opposition forces in the Syrian conflict,” the report says. “[ISIS] forces rapidly gained custody of significant quantities of this material.” 

Next time, let’s not arm the enemy ourselves.

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