Liberals can’t pander enough to minorities. They buckled and cut the budget to the police last year giving in to looting rioters. Crime spiked in every city that gutted their police budgets, but somehow Liberals don’t see the correlation. Now, these same “woke” Libs are pushing Critical Race Theory in schools. A theory that tears down white people in order to prop up minorities. It’s divisive and doesn’t belong in schools. Author Ibram X Kendi feels this is not the case, he claims CRT should be taught no matter what and those against it he compared to the KKK.
AFT Secretary-Treasurer Fedrick “Ingram asked Kendi about the furor over critical race theory and related pushes against teaching about enslavement and discrimination. Kendi compared it to the reaction to Brown v. Board of Education when some white people were fearful that desegregated schools—and the Black children in them—were going to be harmful to their children. Today’s fears are similar in that misinformation is being spread about potential harms; one bold lie is that teaching about racism conveys to white children that they are inherently evil. Kendi was clear and compassionate: He does not know of any anti-racist teacher who would believe or convey that any child or group of people is inherently bad or racist.
The forces against teaching about racism are strong and eighth-grade social studies teacher Tia Costello asked how educators should handle state laws that prohibit anti-racist education. Kendi referenced the civil rights era when school curricula in the South taught that the Ku Klux Klan saved the white South from corruption, among other lies. Many teachers, Black and white, found creative ways to teach more accurate history, and he credits them for the heroic lives of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, and Fannie Lou Hamer. He expects courageous teachers will continue to teach truth today.”
The author then made an odd comparison.
“Kendi reinforced that teaching about racism is crucial if we want students to understand and recognize racism. He compared racism to his experience with metastatic cancer, which he describes in his book How to Be an Antiracist. To ignore cancer because it makes someone uncomfortable to talk about it would be unacceptable—and in his case would have prevented him from getting the treatments he needed to get healthy. If people act as though there is no racism, the country will never heal.”
We have already had a Civil Rights Movement. It leveled the playing field. You can tell, just look at the music industry, Hollywood, and Sports. But Kendi and other “woke” Libs want to divide us further with this racially divisive theory.
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