House Dems Start To Turn On Pelosi Claiming They Were Mislead

Pelosi has been holding the articles of impeachment hostage as she believes that the Senate is not going to give the biased, rage based articles a fair shake. Geez, I wonder why… But it appears House Dems are getting impatient as they were sold on the idea that this was an urgent matter that needed to be dealt with right away. Now they are speaking out about the extended delay.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is facing rising pressure to transmit articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate, as members of her own party signal they are losing patience with her delay tactics.

Pelosi, D-Calif., indicated to Democratic colleagues — first on Tuesday in a memo, and again on Thursday during a press conference — that she plans to continue to hold onto articles of impeachment, at least until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., releases a resolution outlining the terms for a Senate trial.

“We need to see the arena in which we are sending our [impeachment] managers. Is that too much to ask?” Pelosi said Thursday, adding she first wants to know the “terms of engagement” for a Senate trial and voicing concern that senators won’t be impartial.

Still, Pelosi said she won’t hold the articles indefinitely, and suggested she could send them soon.

This comes as Democrats on both sides of Capitol Hill are saying it’s time for the trial — on allegations of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — to proceed in the Senate.

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., was the latest influential figure to deliver that message Thursday morning — before he reversed himself just a few hours later.

“I understand what the speaker is trying to do, basically trying to use the leverage of that to work with Democratic and Republican senators to try to get a reasonable trial—a trial that would actually show evidence and bring out witnesses. But at the end of the day, just like we control it in the House, Mitch McConnell controls it in the Senate,” Smith said on CNN’s “New Day” on Thursday.”

Even Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called out Pelosi for the delay.

“The longer it goes on, the less urgent it becomes,” Feinstein told Politico. “So if it’s serious and urgent, send them over. If it isn’t, don’t send it over.”

House Dems should have been asking questions before, during the impeachment investigation, then they would have known that this whole case is weak and understand why Pelosi is trying to force the Senate to find more evidence for it. But McConnell has already claimed that he has the votes to set the rules for handling the impeachment so Pelosi is now just wasting everyone’s time. And if she doesn’t pass it along soon Senator Graham claims the Senate will find a way to force her to.

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  • How come all of a sudden Pelosi is worrying about being impartial? Pelosi Schiff and the rest of the Democrats were everything but impartial during the impeachment inquiry. Pelosi is worrying about being impartial now; because, they all know they have no case. The Democrats want to make the senate trial as one-sided as the House inquiry where the President was not allowed to call any witnesses or speak in his defense. The problem Pelosi and Schiff want to get rid of Trump they do not care how they do it; simply because, they personally do not like President Trump to the degree; that they have to oppose everything Trump does even if acting for the good of the United States.
    The way the Democrats acted when President Trump took out a major terrorist with a 40 year career is proof of the twisted way Democrats thing now just; because, they personally do not like who is in the Oval office. President Obama took out Osama Bin Laden and, no one screamed about Obama’s action. Osama Bin laden was a professional terrorist also; therefore, nobody should have complained about the taking out of an Iranian terrorist General with a 40 year career in terrorism.

    • If Pelosi wants to tell he Senate members how to do their job, let her run for a seat in the senate and then become the senate majority leader. Oh, that would take toll the election this fall. She did not let the senate majority leader control how she runs the house. No way should she be allowed to make up her own rules or tell the senate how to run their processes.

  • if the Demonrats were misled, it’s because they wanted to be mis-led, they asked for it… and SO, the seeds are/were sown. Then they choose to mis-lead others purposely. Thank them for their tyranny and being traitors and JERK their heads off with a noose. The message WILL BE loud and clear…

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