Hasbro Releases Socialism Version of Popular Board Game and The Internet Explodes

Most kids grew up playing Monopoly. I know I did, it’s a classic and has been for decades.

Now Hasbro, the makers of the game decided to create a new version in the hopes that it will snap some people out of their socialism stupor.

The game description says:

“In the ‘Monopoly: Socialism’ game, players move around the board working together to make a better community by managing and contributing to projects such as a no-tip vegan restaurant, an all-winners school, or a museum of co-creation. But nobody said that cooperation is easy! You’ll have issues with your neighbors, your DIY community projects go awry, you’re constantly voting to shake things up, and there’s always an emergency that requires dipping into the Community Fund! Contribute all 10 of your chips to win the game, unless the Community Fund runs out of money and everyone loses. So much for a socialist utopia.”

According to The Daily Wire,

Released in 2018, the game surprisingly flew under the radar until Kapur’s tweet went viral, racking up 40,000 likes and nearly 15,000 shares, according to theΒ New York Post.

“Snarkily mocks concepts that are actually helpful to society,” said one reviewer on Amazon. “Supposed to be ‘funny’ I guess? Interesting that the underlying message is that capitalism is great, and yet the manufacturers produced such a shoddy product.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) had his own take on the game. “We could do the Venezuela edition: start out (in 1950) with the 4th highest GDP per capital in the world: end starving in the street with massive shortages of food & medicine,” he tweeted.

CNN tweeted on the game,

Winning is for capitalists. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° At least that’s the message behind this parody of Monopoly. But in a Twitter thread that spread widely, a historian said the game gets socialism wrong.

If you’d like to buy the game, good luck and it’s expensive but here’s where you can find it.

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