Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined the presidential race very late and not very long before the primary voting begins. This is a move the has caused anxiety on the other Democratic candidates. Think of all the time and money that they’ve put into their campaign and here this guy is showing up late and trying to upend everything they’ve worked for.
It looks like it’s actually worked a little already because recent polls show that he’s ahead of Kamala Harris, which probably is the straw that broke the camel’s back and led her to decide to end her campaign.
“I think this is a split party, I think Bloomberg is the nominee,” Varney said Tuesday about the Democrats, “and I think Trump wins big time in November.”
Varney continued, “Think about what’s happening to the Democrat party. You’ve got two candidates for the presidency who are socialists and along comes this man who is … the 11th richest person in the world … so you’ve got the socialists, going up against the billionaires. That is a totally divided party.
Money talks in politics, it really does. You can do a lot of damage or good for your side if you chuck a couple of hundred million dollars here or there — and that’s exactly what Mike Bloomberg is going to do.
He’s split the party. I think he’s got a good chance of getting the nomination, I think he actually might get it — and at the end of the day, Trump wins.”
That’s right. Trump wins. There is no doubt in my mind that President Trump will win the election once again, but this time I think it won’t even be close. Trump will win by a landslide.
I can’t say exactly who I think will win yet because I haven’t decided, but I’m betting it will be with Biden or Warren. I honestly want to learn towards Warren, but we’ll see.
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