CNN Gets Rude Awakening About Minorities

The MSM and Democrats hate guns. They can’t stand that Americans have gun rights and go out of their way to try and use every strategy to push their anti-gun agenda. So they have been perpetuating this line that gun owners are just old white males. But with the rise of gun owners that did not fit that description, Liberal media has had to adjust their narrative to explain why other people were buying guns too. They basically claim that these other groups are just smokescreens to make gun owners look more diverse.

In a recent article, CNN claims Second Amendment Advocates are trying to be more inclusive.

CNN highlighted a handful of organizations geared towards specific demographics of gun owners, like:”

  • The Pink Pistols, which trains LGBTQ gun owners.
  • The DC Project, a group of women who lobby Congress to support the Second Amendment.
  • The National African American Gun Association (NAAGA), which educates and trains black women on how to properly use a firearm for self-defense purposes.

Even though CNN believes these organizations are suddenly popping up out of nowhere or to fill a void the NRA can’t address, that thought process is severely flawed. Not only have many of these organizations been around for years, but they’ve been doing important work, especially in America’s inner cities. A prime example of that is the Black Guns Matter organization, led by Maj Toure. Toure crowdfunds and partners with gun dealers to hold events in urban areas to teach black Americans conflict resolution and how to safely handle firearms.”

But CNN is dead wrong gun ownership hasn’t been solely white or male for years now.

For years, Second Amendment advocates have been outspoken about the diversifying demographic, with women leading the change. In fact, data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry trade association, indicates new gun ownership soared to an all-time high last year. The NSSF estimates that 8.4 million Americans became new gun owners in 2020, which accounted for roughly 40% of all background checks last year.

“The expectation of who is today’s gun owner was shattered in 2020. That was a trend the industry saw coming for many years before, but the events of last year showed that gradual drift of gun ownership away from ‘old, male, and pale’ into overdrive,” NSSF’s Director of Public Affairs, Mark Oliva, told The Daily Wire. “Todays’ gun owner is younger, more urban, and includes more women. We’ve seen tremendous growth in gun ownership among African Americans, Hispanic America, and Asian Americans. Today’s gun owner looks more and more like the rest of America and that’s making it difficult for gun control groups to try and compartmentalize gun owners into a box that they can vilify. The truth is that today’s gun owner looks just like you and me and they are our next-door neighbors.”

Liberals are just trying to cover up the fact that Americans of all faiths, races, genders, and sexual orientations buy guns. It hurts their narrative as they clearly want to disarm us, and they used to claim that police would protect us… But how can the police do that when they have been defunded? Liberals will never understand that gun owners buy guns so they can be self-reliant, whether it be for self-defense or hunting.

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