Black Father Trashes CRT: “Teaches My Daughter Her Mother Is Evil”

Liberals are gung-ho about Critical Race Theory. They think they are being “woke” and more inclusive as they work to further divide our country. Libs think that minorities are supporting their decision to villanize white people, but it turns out many black people are very much against CRT and see it for the destructive theory that it is. Father Ian Rice showed up at a school board meeting to explain just how wrong it is for the school to teach CRT.

“This board and school district is failing. More importantly, I came here to talk about Critical Race Theory. This theory was never meant to be brought into grade schools, high schools — at all. It’s actually taught in the collegiate atmosphere, more importantly, the legal portion of the collegiate atmosphere to see different laws through the lens of race, from an ethical standpoint, not for grade schools and high schoolers.”

“The problem with bringing it to the high school and grade school level is that we don’t have the educators to properly teach these kids,” he continued. “Instead, they are using it as their own agenda to indoctrinate the kids to hate each other and whether you believed that to be true or not the reality is that’s what’s happening.”

“Critical Race Theory is teaching that white people are bad. That’s not true. That would teach my daughter that her mother is evil. You already have an educator within your staff that has pulled my daughter aside and said ‘well you are a minority so you know better than to engage in certain things.’ When it was brought to the school’s attention nothing happened to the educator, instead my daughter was brought in and she was ridiculed.”
“So my question is now, with Critical Race Theory being brought in, What is your criteria to educate the educators?” Rice questioned. “And who are you to educate my children or any of our children in life issues? That’s our job. Your job is to teach them science and math. Our job is to teach them about life.”
“I believe the people here don’t look at me as a black man, they look at me as a man standing in front of you addressing the issue we are all very passionate about,” Rice closed to loud applause from fellow parents.

Watch The Clip Below.

Rice is on point here. Critical Race Theory is toxic for our nation and has no place in schools. It is a theory that just further divides our country. We need more of the silent majority to step out before it becomes common practice and the next generation of America thinks it’s ok to call white people evil for the actions of those who have long since passed.

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