The MSM is at it again trying to demonize the president. They seem to hate the fact that Trump acted swiftly banning travel to China at the beginning of February....
Most States have some sort of lockdown in place in order to flatten the curve. So that means most of us are working from home and getting a lot more...
Master Sgt. David Royer found combat even when he was stateside. It all happened on a bridge in Kansas. A man for reasons still unknown started firing off from the...
Westerns often show the robbers using a bandana to cover their faces. Bandanas were commonly used back then to filter the air for horseback riders. Now that we have these...
The Chinese hate their role in this pandemic. They clearly failed to contain the virus and have caused countless deaths around the world. But they had the nerve to try...
This is the kind of stuff the MSM and pro-abortion advocates don’t want to get out. A newly released video shows Planned Parenthood Execs under oath talking about the price...
Tara Reade came out earlier this spring and accused Biden of sexually assaulting her back in 1993. Dems have tried their best to defend their only shot at the 2020...
House Speaker Pelosi was interviewed the other day by James Corden on the “Late Late Show.” Corden asked Pelosi how she was getting through this pandemic and Pelosi informed him...
Our economy is starting to show signs of life again as States reopen and we get back to work. But this virus may have just been the beginning when it...
This Pandemic has been hard on everyone. Countries around the world had to make tough choices in how they were going to prevent the spread of this virus. But Trump...